Road Marking Paint and Machine Manufacturer


The Road Marking Machines On The Market Are Different Due To Different Production Design Situations Or Are Used In Different Constructions.

04 3 月, 2023

Due to different production design situations or applied to different construction objects and different raw materials in the market, the structure is also varied. But in general, the road marking machine generally must have an engine, an air compressor, a paint (melting material) bucket, a marking bucket (spray gun), a guide rod, a controller and other devices, and various power-assisted drive carriers should be configured as needed. It is a road construction machine that draws different restrictions, guidelines and warnings on the ground. Generally widely used in roads, parking lots, squares and runways. The following is a brief introduction to the functional characteristics and classification of the road marking machine:

Engine: Most of the marking machines use the engine as power, and its power ranges from 2, 5HP to 20HP. The choice of the engine should also be produced by a regular large enterprise, with stable performance and easy to purchase spare parts, it almost determines the performance of the entire equipment;

Air compressor: For road marking machines that rely on air for spraying (rather than hydraulic spraying), it is also the main component that affects the performance of the whole machine. As with the engine, you should consider purchasing a product with a well-known brand air compressor.

Bucket: There are two main functions: one is to hold paint. In this sense, the size of its capacity will affect the number of fillings and the progress of the operation. The second is that the pressure vessel on the barrel is pressurized by an air compressor and becomes a pressurized “air tank”, which becomes the driving force for the marking work. Therefore, users should consider its sealing, safety, and corrosion resistance. Good barrels are made of stainless steel.

Investigations show that many asphalt pavements have cracks before they are officially opened to traffic. No matter what kind of cracks they are, they are all caused by temperature changes, which are not only related to the local environmental and climatic conditions, but also related to pavement materials. The properties are closely related to the combined design of the pavement structure. When the external temperature drops, the pavement material gradually hardens and begins to shrink. When the tensile force generated by the shrinkage exceeds the tensile strength of the pavement material, the asphalt pavement cracks. Due to the limited width of the pavement structure and the small mutual restraint of the pavement structure, the thermal shrinkage cracks are mainly lateral. For a thinner asphalt pavement, the base layer is affected by a larger temperature difference, and the resistance moment of the base layer to the asphalt surface layer is also larger, which partially offsets the tensile stress near the tip, thereby reducing the stress intensity of the crack. The tensile stress of the base layer and the bottom of the surface layer gradually increases, so under certain conditions, the crack will be cracked at the relative position of the crack at the bottom of the asphalt surface layer, and will expand upward until the thickness of the surface layer is penetrated. When the base layer has been cracked, the stress at the tip will Concentration will exacerbate the expansion of the above-mentioned cracks. When the asphalt layer is thick, the temperature difference on the base layer is small, and the frictional resistance of the base layer on the opposite layer is not enough to offset the increase in tensile stress generated near the crack tip of the asphalt surface layer due to the increase in base temperature shrinkage. The stress intensity at the tip continues to increase.