Road Marking Paint and Machine Manufacturer


Usage and classification of road marking machines

31 7 月, 2023


A road marking machine is commonly referred to as a road marking machine, a road marking machine, a road marking machine, or a road marking machine. Scribing machine is a road construction machine widely used in roads, highways, parking lots, squares, and runways to mark different restrictions, guidelines, and warning rules on flat ground. The marking machine has played a huge role in urban planning and highway construction due to its advantages of speed, efficiency, and accuracy, maximizing the savings in road construction time and economic investment.

Operational principle

During the construction of the marking machine, the coating is put into the insulation melting coating box of the marking machine, and then the melting or liquid coating is introduced into the marking hopper, and the insulation keeps the material in a molten or flowing state. When starting the marking, the marking bucket should be placed on the road surface. Due to a certain gap between the marking bucket and the ground, when the marking car moves forward at a constant speed in a straight line, it automatically flows and scrapes a neat marking line. The glass bead spreader can automatically and evenly spread a layer of reflective glass beads on the marking line. The gap of the marking bucket controls the thickness of the marking film, and the width of the marking bucket determines the width of the marking. So the scoring bucket needs to be selected according to actual needs.


Machines that draw various traffic markings on roads, urban streets, and other road surfaces, as well as parking and zoning lines on factory and mining roads, airports, parks, squares, sports venues, and other road markings.


Classified by construction materials: room temperature type marking machine, heated solvent type marking machine, and hot melt type marking machine.

According to the operation method, the room temperature paint marking machine is divided into: manual push type and vehicle mounted type.

According to the spraying method, the room temperature paint marking machine is divided into: low pressure air marking machine and high body airless spraying marking machine.

There are a wide variety of hot melt scribing machines, which can be generally divided into: coating preheating kettle, manual coating machine, large motorized coating machine, and supporting construction machinery.

Selection Guide

When selecting a marking machine, the first step is to clarify the quality requirements for marking construction, and based on this, choose the marking coating and the corresponding marking machine.

Hot melt marking coatings have the characteristics of fast drying speed, thick coating, wear resistance, long service life, and outstanding stable reflection effect. The types of scribable lines include scraped flat lines, spray coated anti slip lines, oscillating concave convex lines, and extruded protruding lines.

The two-component coating has a firm marking film, a dense internal structure, and the longest service life. In areas with high levels of ice and snow, damage to the markings caused by shoveling snow can be avoided.

When selecting a marking machine, you can first determine whether it is a room temperature, hot melt, or dual component marking machine based on the type of marking to be applied. Then select the size of the marking equipment based on the construction quantity. Ride type (including large, medium, and small) and vehicle mounted marking machines are generally used for long-distance continuous marking operations. Handheld self marking has high flexibility and is suitable for small-scale marking operations in urban areas and highways. The manual marking machine is suitable for short distance sidewalk and zebra crossing marking construction, but equipped with a booster seat can achieve self driving function and improve construction efficiency.

Maintenance and upkeep

Maintenance and storage of the marking machine after shutdown:

1. After the spraying operation, the spraying machine should be cleaned immediately to remove residual paint from the areas and areas where the paint flows, in order to prevent hardening and blockage. When cleaning, simply replace the coating with the corresponding solvent and spray it according to the operation until the machine body is cleaned. Until all high-pressure hose coatings are sprayed out.

2. After using the spraying machine for a period of time, the filter screen needs to be cleaned. The method is to remove the handle, remove the filter element from the handle, clean it, and then reinstall it in sequence. Tighten it. If any damage is found to the filter element during cleaning, it should be replaced with a new one.

3. If encountering poor spraying during the spraying process, it is necessary to promptly inspect and clean the suction filter screen. Generally, the suction filter screen should be cleaned in sequence after each shift of work.

4. Regularly check whether all fasteners are loose and whether all seals are leaking.

5. Regularly clean the oil inlet filter screen to prevent foreign objects from causing abnormal wear and tear of the plunger.

6. Generally, after using the spraying machine for 400 hours, it is necessary to check whether the hydraulic oil is clean and lacking. If the hydraulic oil is clean but lacking, it needs to be added; If the hydraulic oil is not clean, it needs to be replaced. To replace hydraulic oil, first clean the oil chamber of the pump body with kerosene, and then fill it with hydraulic oil.

Matters needing attention

Eight key points of road marking machines:

1. Check the road surface and confirm that there is no water, oil, or protruding obstacles on the road surface.

2. Prepare well before construction, measure the orientation of the marking line accurately, set the line accurately, and set up a special review.

3. Mechanical inspection before construction, especially in the following aspects:

(1) Diesel engine, cooling water level, lubricating oil level, fuel level;

(2) Road marking machine, coating machine (both scraping and spraying are adjusted according to the required film thickness and line width), glass bead spreader (check whether the uniformity and quantity of glass beads are sufficient, and whether the pipeline is blocked)

4. Clearly define the responsibilities of construction personnel, adhere to keeping construction records, which should include the following contents: road surface and air temperature, relative humidity (%), weather conditions, wind direction, wind force, road type, road surface conditions (road material type, old and new degree, cleanliness or not), coating melting temperature, coating usage, construction length, area, and calculation of coating rate.

5. When applying base oil, the coating range should be slightly wider than the marking line, with a coating amount of 8 meters/kg. The hot melt coating can only be applied after all solvents have evaporated.

6. Monitor the temperature and road surface temperature at all times. During construction, the temperature must be above the dew point temperature by more than 3 ℃. When the road surface temperature is below 9 ℃, construction should be carried out with caution! The firing temperature of the hot melt kettle should be determined by the weather conditions during construction, and the firing temperature should be appropriately raised when the temperature is low; When the temperature is high, reduce the temperature of the burning material appropriately.

7. Do not overheat the coating in the hot melt kettle or construction vehicle, and the coating temperature should not exceed 220 ℃! Be cautious when the thermometer of the hot melt kettle malfunctions!

8. The coating in the hot melt kettle should be stirred evenly, and the required viscosity and temperature should be maintained. If the temperature is too high, the coating will become too thin, and if the temperature is too high for a long time, the coating will change color. After the coating is melted, it needs to be stirred for another 10 minutes before the material can be discharged.