Road Marking Paint and Machine Manufacturer


Usage and measurement principle of retroreflective marking measuring instrument

02 8 月, 2023

What is a retroreflective line measuring instrument?

The retroreflective marking instrument uses the highest accuracy level to measure various types of road markings at a simulated distance of 30 meters. The measurement modes available include RL and Qd in dry and humid environments. 

It uses gradient refractive index and proprietary optical systems to measure various types of smooth and high precision road markings. The product uses the highest accuracy level to measure various types of road markings at a simulated distance of 30 meters. 

The measurement modes available are dry RL in humid and continuously rainy environments, using gradient refractive index and proprietary optical systems, can measure various types of smooth and up to 15mm cross-sectional markings, display and store dates and times. 

The sensor response meets the requirements of CIE (International Commission on Illumination) human eye response and A light source, and also meets the requirements of CEN and ASTM for section height and color. White and yellow markings can be measured without any adjustment. High precision WAAS GPS and printer can be built in. The configured software can download measurement data and generate reports such as EXCEL through USB interface. GPS data can also be easily converted to GPS programs such as Google Maps, which can vividly display the measured locations.

Measurement Principle of Retroreflection Line Measuring Instrument

The geometric condition of the ZTT-301V retroreflective marking instrument is to simulate the scene where a car’s headlights illuminate the retroreflective material on the road surface during nighttime driving, and after reflection, it is observed by the driver in the driver’s cab.

The angle between the optical axis of the headlight and the normal (reference axis) of the road surface becomes the incident angle( β), The specified angle is 88.76 °, and the angle between the optical axis of the headlamp and the backlight is called the observation angle( α),  The specified value is 1.05 °. Light source, optical system according to incidence angle β The size of the measured line is 200 X 95mm, and the light reflected from the line is observed at an angle of 1.05 ° α, Transmitted to V equipped( λ) The measured value of the retroreflection coefficient R ‘is obtained by detecting and collecting the light inside the filter and processing it on the measurement value display.

How to use a retroreflective line measuring instrument

Power on to enter the Home screen, click the corresponding box to enter the corresponding interface. Click Measure to enter the measurement interface.

The measurement interface includes displays of date, time, and battery level. Please keep the battery level above 50% during field measurements. In addition, it also includes a display of the current ambient temperature and humidity. After entering the measurement interface, place the measurement window of the instrument on the marking line. 

After clicking on the color corresponding to the marking, the measurement can be carried out. After the measurement is completed, the measurement results will be displayed below the corresponding color and the measurement results will be read in voice. If the voice reads “Please calibrate the instrument” after the measurement is completed, the calibration board provided with this machine should be used for calibration. In this interface, click Return to return to the Home screen. 

Click Save to save the current measurement data, date, time, temperature and humidity and other information to the memory card. The stored data can be read into the computer through a card reader for data operation. The numbering order of data storage is year, month, day, hour, minute, and second, which is convenient for searching data.