Road Marking Paint and Machine Manufacturer


Hot melt marking construction process

25 8 月, 2023

1. Prepare construction and safety protection measures


As we all know, when the expressway is opened to traffic, the traffic flow is very large, which increases the difficulty and danger of the construction of the expressway, so the highway marking construction safety preparation measures are essential.


Due to the large road traffic flow and long construction mileage routes, the hot melt marking renovation project of expressway under traffic conditions brings certain difficulties to the on-site project construction. According to the needs of construction personnel, combined with the construction characteristics, and in strict accordance with the requirements of JTGH30 “Safety Operation Regulations for Highway Maintenance”, The “Construction Organization and Safety Technical Measures” have been prepared, and after the approval of the traffic police department, the road section uses a closed lane for construction, and is equipped with full-time safety officers to guard the entrance and exit of the closed section. The construction section will be closed by setting up reflective signs such as “construction ahead, detour” and placing conical road signs so that vehicles will not enter the construction area by mistake. Security officers are required to wear armbands, carry command flags and be equipped with sirens and communication equipment. Warning lights and construction signs are installed on all construction vehicles and equipment. Construction personnel wear clearly reflective work clothing to ensure the safety of construction personnel and vehicle equipment.


2. The paint is heated and melted


The product of hot melt coating is a solid powder, which needs to be heated and melted into a liquid with a certain viscosity by a hot melt kettle during application. This link is the link that occupies the longest time and consumes the most energy in the whole construction process. It will affect the quality of the paint. When the internal temperature of the hot melt kettle reaches 180″C, the liquid paint can be placed in the trolley and the hot melt marking construction can be carried out along the reference line.


3. Lofting method


1) Determine the reference of the baseline: take the formed and regular curb as the reference.


2) Base point: First determine the horizontal vertical distance between the marking line and the curb according to the drawings, and then arbitrarily take a number of points along the longitudinal line of the curb (generally 20 m ~ 3O m, the curve can be separated by 1O m ~ 20 m), measure the determined distance in the horizontal vertical direction, and make a “cross” mark with a pencil.


3) Put the reference line: one end of the 100-meter rope is fixed on the starting “cross” mark with a steel nail, and the worker pulls the other end to make the “cross” mark as a reference. The 100-meter rope is pressed straight (smooth) on each “cross” mark, as long as most of the “cross” mark is pressed on and the line is straight and the curve is smooth and beautiful.


4) Waterline: Draw the initial line shape with water line paint along the base line, and there must be someone to correct the line shape after removing the 100-meter rope. If the water line position is wrong, it will affect the marking quality and affect the normal progress of the project.


4. Coating construction


Coating construction is the most critical step in the entire construction process, all links should be controlled:


1) Whether the coating equipment is in good condition, adjust the thickness of the paint film to the range specified in the drawing. Check the color, thickness, width of the coating, the amount of glass beads, etc., and adjust the parameters if necessary.


2) Whether the coating agent has been completely dry, and whether the road surface is clean, dry, free of debris, gravel and other obstacles.


3) Whether the temperature of the hot melt kettle reaches the best temperature and the best viscosity.


4) Ensure that the barrel and hopper of the scribing car are preheated, and the discharge port and hopper switch are flexible.


5) Base waterline completed and verified. Marking coating construction: the use of hand-pushed machinery construction. The paint flows to the road through the metal bucket groove in contact with the road surface. The gap of the metal groove controls the thickness of the marking line. With the advance of the bucket truck, the paint flows on the road surface to form a coating film. Glass beads are spread on the coating film by a self-weight spreader and fixed on the surface of the coating film. The trolley scale is coated according to the base waterline. When coating, the width of the coated line and the thickness of the coating film should be evenly in line with the national standard. The line and curve should be coordinated and marked clearly and smoothly. The construction should observe the glass bead spreading situation, the glass bead radius embedded, the radius exposed when the reflective effect is the best in the construction process, the paint should be often stirred to prevent settlement stratification.


5. Trim the alignment and open to traffic


After coating construction, the marking line will appear more or irregular phenomenon, then it is necessary to trim the marking line that does not meet the requirements in time to remove the overflow or falling coating film. Check the thickness, size, glass bead distribution and the shape of the marking line, so as to adjust it in the subsequent construction. The site after construction also needs to be properly cleaned up, such as the spilled glass beads should be cleaned up in a timely manner to prevent the danger of pedestrians slipping or vehicles skidding. After the line is dried and hardened, all construction vehicles, equipment and personnel shall be transferred to a safe zone, and safety facilities closed to traffic shall be withdrawn from the site and opened to traffic.