Road Marking Paint and Machine Manufacturer


Common problems in the construction of hot-melt road marking coatings

19 3 月, 2024

Road marking paint is a common marking material used for asphalt and cement pavements. It is composed of thermoplastic acrylic resin as the base material, added with pigments, fillers, additives, and solvents. What are the common problems in the construction of hot melt road marking coatings? Please follow the editor to continue reading!

Reasons for surface cracking of markings
Excessive primer penetrates through non drying paint, and the paint is too hard to cope with the expansion and contraction of softer asphalt pavement, which can easily appear at the edges of the markings. Solution: Replace the paint and allow the asphalt to stabilize before marking the construction line. Note that temperature changes day and night during winter can easily lead to the occurrence of this problem.

Reasons for poor reflection at night
Excessive primer penetrates through non drying paint, and the paint is too hard to cope with the expansion and contraction of softer asphalt pavement, which can easily appear at the edges of the markings. Solution: Replace the paint and allow the asphalt to stabilize before marking the construction line. Note that temperature changes day and night during winter can easily lead to the occurrence of this problem.

Reasons for small holes on the surface of the marking
The air between the road joints expands and passes through the non drying coating, and the moisture of the non drying cement passes through the surface of the coating. The primer solvent evaporates through the wet coating, causing the moisture under the road surface to expand and then evaporate. This issue is more significant on new road surfaces. Solution: Lower the temperature of the coating, let the cement road harden for a long time before marking the line, let the primer completely dry, let the moisture completely evaporate, and let the road surface dry thoroughly. Attention: If the temperature is too low during construction, the paint will peel off and lose its appearance. Do not apply immediately after rain, but wait for the road surface to completely dry before applying.

Reasons for surface depression of markings
The viscosity of the coating is too thick, resulting in uneven coating thickness during construction. Solution: Heat the furnace first, dissolve the coating at 200-220 ℃, and stir evenly. Attention: The construction equipment must match the viscosity of the coating.

Reasons for thick and long stripes on the marking surface
During construction, the paint flows out containing granular hard objects, such as burnt paint or stone particles. Solution: Check the filter and clean all hard objects. Attention: Avoid overheating and clean the road surface before construction
The above are common construction problems of hot-melt road marking coatings. We hope this article can be helpful to you