Road Marking Paint and Machine Manufacturer


Usage of Hot Melt Coatings

23 4 月, 2024

The usage method of hot melt coating mainly includes the following steps: 12
Mix the various raw materials of the coating evenly according to the proportion, and pay special attention to adding specialized fluorescent whitening agents, with a dosage of about 2/10000.
Pour the thoroughly mixed coating into the molten axe and start heating. The heating temperature should be controlled between 180 ℃ and 210 ℃, stirring while heating until the coating is completely melted and in a flowing state.
Transfer the molten coating into the insulation melt hopper of the marking car and maintain its temperature so that the coating remains in a molten state during marking.
Before marking, use a pre marking machine to mark the application position. Apply the primer using the primer machine according to the position indicated on the design drawing. After the primer dries, the marking paint can be applied.
When starting to draw lines, the marking bucket should be placed on the road surface to maintain a certain gap. When driving ahead, relying on the automatic flow and scraping of paint, a neat marking is formed.
Spread a layer of reflective glass beads evenly on the markings to improve the reflective effect and safety at night.
During the process of melting coatings, attention should be paid to temperature control to avoid prolonged high-temperature heating to prevent discoloration or quality deterioration of the coating. At the same time, the amount of materials used should be planned after each day’s construction to avoid excessive residual paint causing a decrease in paint performance during the next day’s construction. In addition, the advantages of hot melt coatings include rapid drying, strong wear resistance, and good night reflection, which make them very popular in road marking construction.