Road Marking Paint and Machine Manufacturer


Steps for hot melt marking construction

31 1 月, 2024

1) Security measures. Make full use of safety facilities such as signs, warning flashing lights, traffic cones, and command flags, equip traffic administrators, manage pedestrians and traffic well, and prevent accidents from occurring. All safety facilities should be able to clearly identify drivers and pedestrians, facilitate vehicle passage as much as possible, ensure the safety of operators, and adapt to new changes at any time according to the progress of construction markings. All construction workers must wear work clothes with clear signs and eye-catching colors. Night construction should have reflective clothing and signs to ensure the safety of construction personnel and the project. At the same time, on-site operators must wear protective equipment (such as helmets and gloves) in accordance with regulations to eliminate unsafe factors in their early stages.

(2) Heat and melt the hot melt coating. When starting to dissolve the paint, heat it with low heat and add a small amount of paint; When it begins to melt, start the agitator to stir, while continuously adding new materials to the kettle, increasing the amount of fire and strengthening the stirring until all the paint inside the kettle is melted.
The heating temperature of the coating should not be too high. When heated to around 200 ℃, its material tends to deteriorate. The main reasons for material degradation are thermal decomposition, oxidation, and evaporation. When heating yellow paint, due to its poor temperature resistance, it may change color. Therefore, it is best to avoid prolonged high-temperature heating for molten paint and use appropriate temperature and short-term heating methods. When the road surface temperature is above 25 ℃, the coating temperature can be controlled at around 180 ℃; If the road surface temperature is below 25 ℃, the paint temperature should be controlled between 190-200 ℃ before it can be placed in the construction equipment for marking construction.

(3) Cleaning of the road surface. The important condition for the strong bonding between paint and road surface is to keep the contact surface clean. Dust, mud, sand, and moisture on the road surface are the main factors affecting the adhesion of coatings; Dust on the road surface can be removed with a broom or hair dryer, while also paying attention to the presence of moisture or whether the road surface is damp. If necessary, gas flames should be used to heat and dry before construction.
(4) Layout. Firstly, it is necessary to do a good job in traffic management to ensure the safety of layout operations, and then measure the marking positions. Mark the road surface with measuring tools and white powder according to the positions and graphics indicated in the design drawings; When setting out the markings, the center point of the road should be measured first, and then the centerline should be determined at intervals of 10-20 meters; Set center points every 5-15m along the curvature radius on curved road sections; When it is confirmed that the set center point connection line matches the curvature, connect each center point and draw a road centerline sample line; Check forward in order, while continuously extending the centerline forward, it is also necessary to continuously check the position of the set centerline; Mark half of the width of the marking based on the position of the road centerline, and draw the contour line of the marking width; On curved road sections, the marking position is measured along the radius direction. When the curvature radius is small on curved road sections, it is necessary to confirm the design and construction of the road alignment, and achieve coordination and consistency with the road alignment; The lane boundary and edge lines can be measured based on the centerline, and in general, the width of the markings also needs to be marked. The layout of pedestrian crossings, text, etc. shall be based on the principle of construction drawing design.

(5) Apply primer (primer). To improve the adhesion between the road surface and the coating film, it is necessary to first apply primer (primer) on the road surface; Excessive or insufficient application of primer can reduce the adhesion between the road surface and the coating film; When applying, use a sprayer or other equipment to adjust the primer to a uniform thickness before spraying. When using manual roller coating, special attention should be paid to even thickness; Only when the primer does not stick to the tire and does not adhere to dust or sand, can the marking coating operation be carried out.
(6) Coating: Before coating, the construction machinery should be inspected to ensure that the equipment is in good condition. In advance, a field trial drawing with white iron sheet should be carried out to check the color, thickness, width, amount of glass bead distribution, etc. If necessary, parameter adjustments should also be made.
Marking application: It should be carried out after the primer solvent has dried, and the marking should be drawn before the primer is still dry. The solvent will penetrate the uncured wax, causing bubbles; At the same time as applying the marking, glass beads should be spread. Experience has shown that half of the diameter of the glass beads are buried in the coating for the best reflective effect.
Line curing: From the perspective of adhesion and repair, it is best to naturally cool the coating for drying; Newly paved asphalt pavement can easily cause pollution to the markings, so it is best to postpone construction.

(7) Trimming. After clearing the markings on the site, repair the markings that do not meet the requirements, remove any spilled or sagging coatings, check the thickness, size, distribution of glass beads, and shape of the markings.
Layout: Firstly, determine the motor vehicle lane and non motor vehicle lane; Secondly, determine the pedestrian crossing line; The remaining space will be used as a diversion island. The purpose of channelization is to ensure smooth traffic, reduce traffic congestion, and avoid cross traffic as much as possible. The order of the C line: The pedestrian crossing line takes priority, and the main line should be disconnected when encountering the pedestrian crossing line. The main line cannot pass through the pedestrian crossing line or the diversion island.

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