Road Marking Paint and Machine Manufacturer


What are the key points to choose road reflective glass microbeads?

19 2 月, 2024

What are the key points to choose road reflective glass microbeads? Below, the editor of Oulu De will introduce it to you.

  1. The transparency of road reflective glass microbeads indicates that the higher the transparency, the better the quality of the glass microbeads in terms of reflection.
  2. The roundness rate of road reflective glass microbeads, which means that the roundness rate of glass microbeads must meet the national standard of over 70% to be considered a qualified product.
  3. The cleanliness of road reflective glass microbeads is similar to the principle of transparency in points, which means that the higher the cleanliness, the higher the reflectivity and quality of the microbeads themselves.
  4. The material of road reflective glass microbeads itself is the essence of this material, which is the most important of these four points, because the material of glass microbeads used in different industries is different. So when choosing, the first thing to pay attention to is the material itself.