Road Marking Paint and Machine Manufacturer


Mastering the correct usage method is necessary to ensure the accuracy of the reflection coefficient tester

13 5 月, 2024

The retroreflection coefficient tester has the characteristics of small size, light weight, and easy portability. It can mainly be used to measure the reflective performance of reflective markers, to ensure that the retroreflection marker material can meet the requirements of the standard. In order to ensure accurate detection, it is necessary to master the correct usage method during use.

The usage method of the reflection coefficient tester mainly consists of four steps:

  1. 1、Connection: Connect the interface between the instrument and the chassis with a cable (pay attention to the direction of the cable connector and tighten it firmly). After turning on the chassis power switch, the instrument panel will start displaying work.
  2. 2、Zero adjustment: Cover the lens with a black shading cover. At this time, the reflection coefficient tester should display 000. If not, you need to rotate the chassis zero adjustment knob to adjust the zero point.
  3. 3、Calibration: The instrument is equipped with a set of engineering grade standard templates. When testing which color and type of reflective film, first use a standard plate to calibrate according to the given data. During calibration, the retroreflection coefficient tester needs to be placed on a rotating table (the positioning screws must be placed in the rotating table slot). Place the standard template in the measurement hole under the rotating table, and it should display the standard plate according to the given value. If not, please rotate the calibration knob to adjust it until it is satisfactory.
  4. 4、Measurement: After zero calibration, place the measured sample into the measuring hole of the rotary table. Once the data is stable, record it. Rotate the incident angle (arrow pointing towards the scale) to obtain different incident angle data. When changing the observation angle, recalibrate it again. During measurement, the plane of the instrument and the rotary table should be tightly connected vertically to prevent inaccurate data. After recording the data, remove the instrument from the rotary table to prevent the lifespan of the instrument light source from being shortened due to long-term operation. When locking the data, please press the red button on the handle.
    When using a reflection coefficient tester, in order to ensure the accuracy of the detection, it is also important to ensure the cleanliness of the instrument lens, take various protective measures, and regularly maintain the equipment to ensure stable operation.
    Black screen is a common problem in instrument equipment, and once it is encountered during use, it will affect normal operation. However, this issue cannot be prevented. When using a retroreflection coefficient tester, the following items should be checked:
  5. 1、Ensure that all hardware, including the instrument control system, is properly powered on.
  6. 2、Check and confirm whether the connection between the retroreflection coefficient tester and the distribution board connected to the main control card is tightly connected and inserted backwards.
  7. 3、Check and confirm whether the core cable between the control card and the HUB distribution board is loose or inserted in reverse.
  8. 4、If the interface definition of the reverse reflection measuring instrument does not match the provided HUB board, black screen phenomenon may also occur. Recheck whether the jumper is loose, open circuit or short circuited.
  9. 5、Check and confirm repeatedly whether there is any looseness or detachment of the serial cable used to connect the controller of the retroreflection coefficient tester. If it turns black during the loading process, it is likely due to this reason, that is, interruption screen black occurs due to the looseness of the relevant circuit during operation.
    If problems frequently occur during use, it will inevitably affect the service life of the instrument. Therefore, when using a retroreflection coefficient tester, it is necessary to check all relevant work to avoid problems that may affect the work during use.
    Our company is a professional manufacturer of retroreflective road measuring instruments, hot melt coatings, road marking machines, and hot melt kettles. If you are interested, please feel free to communicate with me via email